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Personal Trainer

Zachary D.

18 Reviews


  • award icon Certified by National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Aerobic Fitness
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Bodybuilding
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Endurance Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Soccer
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Strength Training
  • Background Checked
  • Insured
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Hi I'm Zach. I am a NASM certified personal trainer. In my youth, I was underweight. This hurt my efforts in my athletic aspirations (soccer, taekwondo, rugby) but, most of all, my self confidence. I experimented with different exercise programs and diets to gain weight. Since then I've put on 40 lbs of muscle (and fat) and feel healthier than ever. I fell in love with researching the science of physical fitness and would like to share with you what I've learned. If you are looking to make a lifestyle change to improve your athleticism or your aesthetic, I'm your guy. With our eyes on longevity, we will make sure you not only feel stronger but we do it safely.

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