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Personal Trainer

Atif M.

146 Reviews


  • award icon Certified by National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Holistic Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Strength Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Weight Loss
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Cardio and Conditioning
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Endurance Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Functional Training
  • Background Checked
  • Insured
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Enhance your well-being with a certified holistic health personal trainer Atif Munir. He is specialized in harnessing the power of the human biofield to improve strength, endurance, and power. His customized workouts are enjoyable and designed specifically for clients' needs. In addition to his Certified personal training credentials, Atif Munir is a certified sound Healer as well as an energy/reiki Therapist. His approach to working with Mind, body, and healthy living is unique and proven to help clients at all levels. Atif Munir believes in that everything works together in harmony to create a beautiful life.

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